
Mom, wife, educator, lifelong athlete.

Hi, I’m Katie.

Mom of three busy gals (9, 7 & 5), farm based, rural living and wife to Lorin. I have a lifelong love of fitness and a drive to support women through one of the most vulnerable seasons in their lives: pregnancy and postpartum.

I’m a former gymnast and long-distance trail runner. While my love for running is tough to fulfill during my current stage in motherhood, I’ve enjoyed many half marathons and three sub-ultramarathon (50km) races/runs over the last few years.

Since we live rural, I work out at home with the kids around at all times, so I know what it’s like to be “in it” and navigating the challenges of catching a physical and mental break in the form of exercise.

I’m also a teacher and love sharing information with women about exercise, daily activity and core/pelvic floor considerations (you know-the info that feels like TMI, but really should be common knowledge). I’m passionate about helping women know more about their bodies at every stage and encouraging of a lifetime of athleticism.

During each of my own pregnancies, I searched for answers in how to approach fitness. I was given very generalized advice, ranging from “do what you’ve always done,” to “don’t lift over 25lbs.” Online, the messaging was even more extreme, from “anything you did pre-pregnancy, you can do now!” to, “do these 5 exercises to avoid diastasis recti!” None of these answers felt realistic or met me where I was at, physically or mentally.

I had no idea about pelvic health, the changes to our body that occur in pregnancy, postpartum healing, or how to continue and return to exercise in any capacity after such a significant event as pregnancy and delivery. While I never found answers to my questions during my own pregnancies, I knew there had to be better information than I had received.

A year after having our youngest, I was searching for a way to encompass my love of exercise and interest in the human body, along with the motivation to create a better mindset and self-vocabulary as my daughters grow up. I recognized that the only mention I had heard of the pelvic floor and core was in relation to workouts that would “get your tummy flatter than ever!”

At the same time, a few key conversations came up with women who were in their post-menopausal years that included candid mentions of daily symptoms (prolapse, leakage, etc.) that had been ongoing since delivering their last babies (30+ years prior) OR had popped up suddenly post-menopause. Every one of those conversations also included the phrase, “but that’s just what happens when you have babies”.

I quickly realized these things were intertwined and that the pelvic floor and core connection goes far deeper than the want for a flat stomach. Not only that, but women have been given generalized advice in how they should approach exercise through their pregnancy and postpartum years, when this is highly individualized information.

All of this prompted a deep dive into all things pelvic floor and core while filling in the gaps on how to help women know more than I did about exercise in pregnancy/postpartum. I became a certified Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach and personal trainer to help women Move Through Motherhood, while considering the physiological changes that our core and pelvic floor system sustain in pregnancy and postpartum.

In order to fill this gap, I’ve started offering:

*Classes within my community for girls and women at ALL ages and stages (Moving through Motherhood, Moms & Tots, Functional Strength, Girls Who Lead)

*Consultations (in person or virtual)

*Coach-Client consults (where I support coaches in navigating their clients’ core/pelvic health symptoms in movement or pregnancy/postpartum)

*Home workout programming (pregnancy & postpartum specific)

*Seminars and event facilitation;

*Community collaboration.

I’ve become who I needed in the vulnerable stages of puberty, pregnancy, postpartum and beyond, and I’d love to extend this support to you in a way that serves you best.

Pregnancy and postpartum is a highly individualized experience each time, and every woman’s goals, exercise history, tendencies, symptoms, pregnancy/delivery and postpartum experiences are different. Your daily activity and exercise advice should reflect this information.

I want women to know more than I did about fitness during pregnancy and to have guidance and confidence that their fitness journey can not only be maintained (safely) but can be returned to postpartum and beyond. To do this, we often need individualized support and encouragement - and this is what I do!

Please reach out anytime - I would love to support you!

The best is yet to come.
